activity games
Maintaining therapy or recovering from surgery can be very hard and boring. We implement sensors in fysio equipment, wheelchairs, bikes and many other devices to measure your activity, keep you on track and give feedback to keep you motivated.
Using sensors and gameplay provides a massive amount of data which we use to analyse progress by using Ai and machine learning.
By enhancing the quality of treatment we also save time and ease the work for care takers and family.
When you have StepBirds: exercise by using steps
FLOW: stand up and sit practice after surgery
Invaders: walking guidance after surgery
Ballergame: practice mobility from wheelchair
Post COVID-19 (Research Phase)

Exercising - Relaxation - Cognitive games to assist clinical therapists (research phase RadboudUMC)
Hardware, Games, Implementation and Support of Kinect and VR solutions
step birds.